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Carson City Master Plan

Review Draft: August 2024

Over the past nine months, City staff, members of the Planning Commission, and the project team have conducted extensive outreach to help inform the updated Master Plan. This draft reflects the results of that input as as starting point for further discussion. Following an initial round of input from Carson City elected and appointed officials, departments, and the community at large, the draft will be refined and "packaged" to include photos, graphics, and maps to help illustrate key concepts. Scroll down to take a 'Guided Tour' of the document!

Comment period on this draft ends September 18. A side-by-side comparison of the current vs. proposed Land Use Map is available for review here.

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Take a quick tour of the draft Master Plan, to learn what's been carried forward and updated, and what's new!
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in reply to Glenn's comment
Would you call out the section of the 2006 Carson City Master Plan in which the language you propose to incorporate is located? I have searched through the 2006 Master Plan document and have not found the language you listed.
in reply to Glenn's comment
Will you direct me to where in the 2006 Maste Plan document the specific language you quote is located? I have read the document and have been unable to locate this specific language in any of the existing master plan's sections discussing new or infill developments' relationship to surrounding development.
Should also encourage the remodeling of existing homes that facilitate aging-in-place, accommodating older residents and others with mobility limitations or disabilities as well.
in reply to CarsonHamann's comment
Affordable and workforce housing typically receive tax abatements as long as they remain as such income restricted housing. But both affordable and workforce housing contribute to the community by not only providing housing for the people who work in Carson City and the surrounding areas, but contribute through paying sales taxes on items purchased here (food, clothing, gasoline, etc.).
in reply to Gregory Novak's comment
NRS 278.0231 requires local jurisdictions to require certain specific buildings to display their street addresses so emergency service providers can readily locate the building.
in reply to NoneOfYourBusiness's comment
The 2024 master plan update current language regarding Scenarios1, 2, and 3 reflects that of the 2006 master plan as well as the statements made at the public listening meetings for this master plan update that I have attended.
And bicycle
And bicycle
In order attract convention type events it will be important foster a airport shuttle service.
You have it backwards. The Master Plan MUST NOT conflict with ZONING, which is the LAW!
The "community's priorities" NOT YOU or the BOS or the developers. "Current best practices" for who? YOU or the BOS or the developers. We want the resident's priorities and best practices! Don't you get it???
Again "compact"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was assumed - by who - YOU? You don't event live here, your assumptions don't count for anything!
Compared to the number of taxpayers, the homeless are a tiny fraction. Why is so much attention and money being spent on them?????
Those who want more density should go back to California. Anyone not from California who wants more density needs mental health care or is a developer!
You have ignored this throughout this document. AND, again with "compact." You need a new dictionary!
Nor can it be. It is BLM or Forest Service land, lake-front, hills and mountains. Keep that in mind!!!
Remember that "property owners" is not just for developers. Most of us existing residents are "property owners" and should be able to protect our property as well.
General guidance. Remember this is NOT THE LAW!!! We have a Municipal Code for that!!!!!
Throughout this document, you forget that this is meant to be only ADVISORY, not the law. Limit your developer blue-sky-ing or eliminate it entirely!!!!
"Preferred"??? By whom? Maybe you but not the residents of Carson City. Remove this ridiculous sentence!
Why should affordable units be given special treatment? The US Constitution calls for equal justice for all. A rule is a rule. Let affordable units abide by the rules that everyone else has to!
We are open to truly affordable homes, but DO NOT WANT subsidized housing in Carson City's core.
Once again, the word "compact" MUST be removed.
This sentence should be changed to say "VERY, VERY careful consideration..." We really don't want this size but recognize that the state can override us. Steve Neighbors should NOT be allowed to do any of this stuff.
Curry Street has many historic buildings, which this section would completely DESTROY! We don't want Curry included.
When you and every member of the BOS is willing to sign a contract stating that you will live next door to a 9 story building, then it will be Ok. BUT NOT UNTIL THEN. Eliminate all references to "8 to 10 stories" everywhere in this document!
The word "compact" MUST be removed!!!!!!!!!!
Again with "compact." That word needs to be banned from this document. It represents YOU not the people of Carson CIty.
You say "behind buildings" and "on-street parking" in the same paragraph. You CONTRADICT yourself proving you don't know what you are talking about.
MUST be limited to 4 stories maximum when fully justified.
This should ONLY be allowed via SUP. If you don't know what that is, you have not done your homework and should be fired.
Not only avoided, made illegal!!!! Height MUST be limited to a maximum of 4 stories when they can justify it.
We already know that developers and the planning department do NOT follow this rule so why have it!?!?!
THIS SECTION MUST BE REMOVED ALTOGETHER! It will destroy the character of Carson City.
See Page 63. This should be per the SF6 and SF12 zoning, not this fluff.
We already know that developers and the planning department do NOT follow this rule so why have it!?!?!
If you are real about this, it means NO straight line streets.
"Protect the character of established neighborhoods" If you had listened to this, none of this would be necessary. Try to remember the importance of this and STOP giving everything to the developers!
This must be consultant speak for "Business Park." Thanks but no thanks. There is one nearby, TRIC. If you don't know what that is, you did not do your homework and should be fired.
I know YOU want 9 story buildings, but you don't live here. WE DO NOT!!! Remove the words "vertical or."
Again with the word "compact" See above comment. This word is anathema and MUST be eliminated.
Your grammar is terrible. It should read "wherever practicable" not " as practicable."
This bullet should read "Residential development containing a mix of LOW-DENSITY housing types...."
The terms "duplexes and townhomes" MUST be deleted. We don't want multi-family in our single-family zones. Don't you get it?
This should be SF6 and SF12, not this fluffy "per acre" stuff!
This was MDR. We are NOT a suburb of anywhere!!!! This term is insulting and MUST be removed!!!!
Why did you eliminate LDR? There is NO reason to do so.
This entire column should be ELIMINATED! This column should contain the corresponding ZONING, not this fluff! This column is the major cause of the friction between developers and residents. Developers want the more generous allowances of this column; residents want zoning to be adhered to. Are you listening???